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Lies Greed Misery 歌词



演唱者:Linkin Park (英汉对照)

Linkin Park - Lies Greed Misery / 林肯公园 — 妄、贪、难


I’mma be that na-na-na-na-na-nail in your coffin / 我要做你棺-棺-棺-棺-棺-棺材上那颗钉

Saying that I softened / 谁说我心不硬

I was ducking down to reload / 上子弹时我得哈腰

So you can save your petty explanations / 你就省省那些唾沫星子

I don’t have the patience / 我没那份闲心

Before you even say it I know / 你不用开口我也知道

You le-le-le-let your pride or your ego / 你动-动-动-动用自尊或者自豪

Talk slick to me, no / 巧舌如簧,无效

That is not the way I get down / 不会令我软下心肠

And look at how you lose your composure / 看你是如何自乱阵脚

Now let me show ya / 这就让你瞧瞧

Exactly how the breaking point sounds / 死到临头到底什么样

I want to see you choke on your lies / 我想看你妄语噎住喉

Swallow up your greed / 贪念撑破胃

Suffer all alone in your misery / 独自遭着你那苦难的罪

Choke on your lies / 妄语噎住喉

Swallow up your greed / 贪念撑破胃

Suffer all alone in your misery / 独自遭着你那苦难的罪

What is it you want me to tell ya? / 你到底想让我说什么?

I’m not the failure / 我可没结苦果

I would rather live and let be / 我宁可活得没脾气

But you came with the right kind of threat to / 你却威逼利诱、软硬兼施

Push me to let you / 非要我放过你

Know you can’t intimidate me / 威胁对我毫无意义

You di-di-disrespect me so clearly / 你没-没-没把我放在眼里

Now you better hear me / 你最好听仔细

That is not the way it goes down / 你那样可没好下场

You did it to yourself and it’s over / 你是自作自受,报应到了

Now let me show ya / 这就让你瞧瞧

Exactly how the breaking point sounds / 死到临头到底什么样

I want to see you choke on your lies / 我想看你妄语噎住喉

Swallow up your greed / 贪念撑破胃

Suffer all alone in your misery / 独自遭着你那苦难的罪

Choke on your lies / 妄语噎住喉

Swallow up your greed / 贪念撑破胃

Suffer all alone in your misery / 独自遭着你那苦难的罪

I want to see you choke on your lies / 我想看你妄语噎住喉

Swallow up your greed / 贪念撑破胃

Suffer all alone in your misery / 独自遭着你那苦难的罪

Choke on your lies / 妄语噎住喉

Swallow up your greed / 贪念撑破胃

Suffer all alone in your misery / 独自遭着你那苦难的罪

You did it to yourself / 你是自作其受

You did it to yourself / 你是自作其受

You did it to yourself / 你是自作其受

You did it to yourself / 你是自作其受

You did it to yourself / 你是自作其受

You did it to yourself / 你是自作其受

You did it to yourself / 你是自作其受

You did it to yourself / 你是自作其受

I want to see you choke on your lies / 我想看你妄语噎住喉

Swallow up your greed / 贪念撑破胃

Suffer all alone in your misery / 独自遭着你那苦难的罪

Choke on your lies / 妄语噎住喉

Swallow up your greed / 贪念撑破胃

Suffer all alone in your misery / 独自遭着你那苦难的罪

Lyrics translated into Chinese by Tony from LK Lyrics Group on June 29, 2012

《Lies Greed Misery》歌词


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