爱歌词网 » martina mcbride » concrete angle歌词

concrete angle 歌词



演唱者:martina mcbride

She walks to school with a lunch she packed她带着打包的午餐走向学校

Nobody knows what she’s holding back;没人知道她为何踌躇不前

Wearing the same dress she wore yesterday,穿着昨日穿过的同件衣裳

She hides the bruises with the linen and lace;她用亚麻和蕾丝隐藏了伤痕

oh 哦

The teacher wonders but she doesn’t ask,老师好奇却什么都没问

It’s hard to see the pain behind the mask;面具后的伤痛难以看透

Bearing the burdon of a secret storm,背负秘密暴风雨的负担

Sometimes she wishes she was never born;有时她宁愿自己从未来到这个世界

Through the wind and the rain,风雨中她站立如坚石

She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can’t rise above;这个世界里她不能抗争

But her dreams give her wings 但是梦想给了她翅膀

and she flies to a place where she’s loved.于是她飞向她热爱的地方

Concrete Angel固体天使

Somebody cries in the middle of the night,有人在深夜哭泣

The neighbors hear but they turn out the lights;邻居听见了,却关上了灯

A fragile soul caught in the hands of fate,一个脆弱的灵魂被命运之手捕获

When morning comes it will be too late.黎明来临时,已为时过晚

Through the wind and the rain,风雨中她站立如坚石

She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can’t rise above;这个世界里她不能抗争

But her dreams give her wings 但是梦想给了她翅膀

and she flies to a place where she’s loved.于是她飞向她热爱的地方

Concrete Angel固体天使

A statue stands in a shaded place,一作雕像挺立在阴影中

An angel girl with an upturned face;一位天使带着倒转的面孔

Her name is written on a polished rock,一个名字写在打磨的岩石上

A broken heart that the world forgot.一颗破碎的心已被这世界遗忘

Through the wind and the rain,风雨中她站立如坚石

She stands hard as a stone in a world that she can’t rise above;这个世界里她不能抗争

But her dreams give her wings 但是梦想给了她翅膀

and she flies to a place where she’s loved.于是她飞向她热爱的地方

Concrete Angel固体天使

《concrete angle》歌词


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