爱歌词网 » 16mins » 静默的鸟歌词

静默的鸟 歌词




Here comes a little silent bird 这里飞来了一只静默的鸟

Standing on my window like a little blur 站在我的窗前像一个小小的污点

When the sun shines on my pale and withered face 当太阳晒在我苍白枯萎的脸上

When the cold dirty winter hasn’t passed by 当寒冷肮脏的冬日还没有过去

Here comes a little silent bird 这里飞来了一只静默的鸟

Standing on my window like a little blur 站在我的窗前像一个小小的污点

Sing to me my little silent angel 请为我歌唱吧我亲爱的天使

Sing to me you’re the miracle 请为我歌唱吧你就像一个奇迹

Here comes a little silent bird 这里飞来了一只静默的鸟

Standing on my window like a little blur 站在我的窗前像一个小小的污点

She’s still quiet and look me into the eyes 她仍然保持着沉默并深深看进我的双眼

Wash away my pain and burned my soul 涤去我的痛苦燃烧我的灵魂

Here comes a little silent bird 这里飞来了一只静默的鸟

Standing on my window like a little blur 站在我的窗前像一个小小的污点

At last she goes with no goodbye 最后她飞走了,没有说再见

Left me beside window in the sunshine. 留下我站在窗前,沐浴在阳光中


